Web Design

Hashtag media Productions performs projects in accordance with exclusive, expedient and current web design trends. This principle is the core of our corporate culture.

We do works that provide a harmonization between graphic design and the animated image along with enabling the esthetic and the technical excellence of the theme and the information with the content it provides.   

Our agency applies the design processes below step by step in the corporate website or in e-commerce projects.

First of all, our agency analyzes firms very thoroughly; we act as soon as we detect firms’ expectations and objectives.

We share impressions and the ideas received with our customers. We apply all the creativity skills and experience we obtain to the designated projects throughout the web design service process.

Stages of General Concept Design and Specification of the Positions on the Footer, Code Development, Harmonization of the Code Structure with The Design, Data Entry, Tests, Airing, Liability Against Failures or Mistakes are passed.

Cooperation between our agency and the customer is taken as a basis in order to implement all of these stages properly.

Creation and the sustainability of the website will still be deficient in case of the failure to create an awareness in the eye of the targeted visitors. In this part, especially online advertising must come into play. Providing a content created in a search engine-friendly (SEO) structure and ensuring that the architecture obtains a good position as a natural consequence requires high level of effort.

Guaranteed positioning is only possible with Google AdWords. For this, you need to fill out our Support Form or contact us via phone.

Why is a Website Important? Why Should It Be Created?

Internet, being the most commonly used and most efficient sharing and communication tool today is a window to the world. Firms, institutions or individuals can provide their products, services and scripts to internet users thanks to websites. Actually, the best way to communicate with people is this. People get in touch with each other with the written comments just like in social platforms. You would have the chance to deliver many subjects that are unknown or anticipated to many people. 

Websites have become the image of the firms. People became searching for a lot of information they want to know about the firm on the internet. Website is the most important step to be taken for the sake of institutionalization or branding. All prestigious firms who had gained a place in the market has a website. If you also want to win a place on the web, remember that you must have a website!

Today, many corporate firms extend their customer portfolio thanks to their firm’s website and reach masses more effectively and cheaper thanks to internet ads.

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