Logo Design

Logo design must be created by planning it in accordance with the sector and the target market of the firm as well as the required analyses since it will represent the brand the firm will use in every work and in every platform it will create. Effective and functional logo designs are the most important requirement for your advertising activities to succeed since all the communication projects your firm will create will be designed pursuant to your logo in a way to create integrity. A logo must be simple in order to be effective. Logos of giant companies in the world set the best examples for this. 

Logo must match up with the spirit and the sector of the brand. It must be design in a way that it can be easily applied to every platform so that it does not create any additional processing costs. In addition, a successful logo design must definitely be catchy. A good logo must stick in people’s mind.

Hashtag media Production, creates logo designs pursuant to the spirit of the brand, achieving institutional integrity, bringing added value to the firm and increasing the brand image in its top-tier studios with its professional staff. We create effective logo designs that will provide added value for your brand in accordance with sectoral analyses, target market analysis and benchmarking studies.

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