Catalogue and Brochure Design

Catalogue design must be created in a way to describe the brand accurately since it is one of the most widely-used tools among printed communication strategies. Catalogues are divided in to two groups as institutional catalogue (also known as firm catalogue) and production catalogue. In the institutional catalogues, information regarding the institutional structure and what these firms do and similar issues are described. On the other hand, in the production catalogue, firm’s products and services are advertised.

When the catalogue design is created, first of all, attention must be paid to have an impressive cover design. The catalogue cover design must be suitable for the spirit of the brand, the sector and the communication age since the first impression created on the target audience is a vital issue. Furthermore, integrity must be achieved on the inner pages and it should not strain reader’s eyes.

Hashtag media Productions enables to achieve maximum interaction on the target audience with the catalogue designs it projects owing to its years of experience and knowledge. Copywriters within our team create the textual content of your catalogue by performing a copywriting that is modern, innovative and suitable for your target audience. A modern catalogue is prepared and provided to you as a result of design studies created integrated by the creative directors, art directors and graphic designers.  Catalogue designs created by us bring an added value to your firm and plays an active role in increasing the number of customers you have by enabling you to reach to more people. You can contact us if you want to have an impressive catalogue design for your firm too. 

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